Synthetic performance from timber without any chemical treatment. 100% natural, sustainable and recyclable.

Evenwood timber is created by a new technology thermal vacuum process, achieving an ultra efficiency in moisture and resin extraction while requiring over 50% less energy than the market leaders.

  • Evenwood Timber Quality

  • 100% Natural Timber

    FSC and PEFC Accredited sources, and no chemicals required. Sustainable and recyclable. No use of plastics and not engineered layers using adhesives.

  • Stabilised Structure

    Completely even moisture extraction across the mass of the wood, settles the fibres resulting in structure stability and increased durability. No cracking, splitting or warping.

  • Hydrophobic/Anhygroscopic

    Does not absorb or retain moisture after treatment, eliminating the risks of decay, mould and insect attack. Has increased fire resistance with some species emitting 70% less smoke in a fire.

How do we achieve this?

We have developed proprietary ceramic alloy plates for conductive heating and a unique power efficiency application, to provide near perfect heat and power distribution. Combined, these provide an even, highly efficient moisture and resin extraction. We can apply the potential to most methods of thermal treatments.

Evenwood Products

Here at Evenwood, we are developing a range of wood products for a maintenance free, 75+ years of life. We can also heat your floor and deck super efficiently!

Evenwood Timber Development

Evenwood timber processes have been developed by the UCR Technologies Partnership, incoporating Universal Materials Development in the UK and partners across Europe, for the development of energy efficiency and decarbonisation strategies for the timber industry.

  • Energy Efficiency

    Our proprietary power efficiency technology may significantly reduce the total power requirement of all thermal processes.

  • Reduced Carbon Impact

    We reduce the waste usually generated in the timber drying process and can establish localised operations, reducing carbon impact.

  • Collaboration Research

    We offer engagement in the development of our technologies through collaboration with commercial partners and educational institutions.

Universal Collaboration Research website